How To Schedule Automatic Windows Update Installation With Reboot Restore Rx Pro (Version 11)
Reboot Restore Rx Pro (formerly Drive Vaccine) was updated to Version 11; and when it did it brought a lot of new features to our baseline management features, and in particular Windows Update management. First Steps Either when preparing to deploy or installing the program through a single setup, one of the first things you'll need to do is configure Reboot Restore Rx Pro Version 11 to accept Windows 10 Feature Updates. The program by default will accept other Windows Updates but we neeFew readersUsing the Custom Update feature
Within Reboot Restore Rx Professional users can set the program to automatically download, run, and install Windows Updates and Custom updates in the Update Baseline menu. custom update ( =800x595) These are the outlined steps in order to produce the best results while using this feature. Check the update box for either Windows update, Other update, or both if you plan for severalFew readers