Reboot Restore Rx User Guide
Reboot Restore Rx is a freeware utility developed by Horizon DataSys. This free utility was created in response to the many requests submitted to us by small school systems and libraries that have limited budgets who were looking for a replacement for Microsoft's SteadyState and other commercially available products. As soon as the software is installed and the machine has rebooted, you have your baseline! Reboot Restore Rx will restore your PC back to that system state on every reboot. This guPopularReboot Restore Rx - How to: Update Baseline & Recover from Sub-Console
Reboot Restore Rx is a freeware utility. This software was created in response to the many requests submitted to us by small school systems and libraries that have limited budgets who were looking for a replacement for Microsoft's SteadyState and other commercially available products. Set your baseline Software installed, you got your baseline! As soon as the software is installed and the machine has rebooted, you got your baseline! Reboot Restore Rx will restore your PC back to that systeSome readers